

This repository uses Sphinx, a powerful documentation generator, to create high-quality documentation. It enables you to write documentation in reStructuredText (reST) format or markdown (MyST) and provides tools for complex documentation and publishing workflows.


To set up the development environment and build the documentation, follow these steps inside the cloned repository:

  1. Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment

. activate
  1. Install the required dependencies

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Building the Documentation

Since we have to support many languages, a meta build system docs/ has been added to support internationalized builds for any configured language.

Therefore, building the documentation is as simple as:

python3 docs/

Which will produce an HTML output in the public folder.

Internationalization (i18n)

sphinx-intl is a utility tool that provides several features that make it easy to translate and to apply translation to Sphinx generated document.